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Our Spiritual Nutrition
Our Spiritual Nutrition©

Section 4-2 - Spiritual meaning of the colours

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Quality of the colours
The guides often show us colours in meditation and dreams, as well as in everyday life. If the colours you are shown are muddy or washed out, ask your guide which colours are in the mix: muddy brown can be a combination of green and red. Then the message could be something like; "An emotional wound has created anger or resentment and healing (forgiveness) is required". If you are shown colours that are clear and bright, then the message might be a positive one but still needs to be fully understood. As always, we must ask our own guide to find the Universal Truth about the colours that are shown to us.

Suggested interpretations for the colours
Some suggested interpretations for the colours are listed below. Be sure to ask your guide for their intended message for you. See Figure 19-1 for the positive and Figure 19-2 for the negative spiritual aspects of the colours.

Not hearing your guide? Check out how belief systems can prevent communication.

Figure 19-1: Positive spiritual aspect of the coloursFigure 19: Spiritual meaning of the colours - positive aspect
Figure 19-2: Negative spiritual aspect of the coloursFigure 19: Negative spiritual aspect of the colours

⇐ Section 3      Section 5 ⇒
Section 4
Section 4-1 - Ground rules     Section 4-2 - Colours     Section 4-3 - Numbers     Section 4-4 - Symbols

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© Copyright: Sheila A. McBeath 1999
ISBN  978-1-7753521-2-9
If you print, reproduce or use any of this information, do not alter the content, and acknowledge "Making Change in Our Lives (a workbook)" within your material.

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The information in this website and/or e-book is provided as spiritual information only. It is not to be used or relied upon for medical diagnosis or treatment. Consult your healthcare provider before making healthcare decisions. Your use of this web site and/or e-book means that you accept these terms. Last Updated 20241014

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